
Season’s Greetings
NSE 2024 | Fiera di Roma
AFRAQ 2024 | “Suistainable Aquaculture Development” Conference
AFRAQ 2024 | Hammamet
SeTeL and WaterFrontLab together at Ecomondo 2024
Sea Drone Tech Summit 2024
Technological innovations at REAS 2024: they talk about the MAR!
The new RaiNews article talks about REAS, the International Emergency Exhibition, and the innovative technologies presented at REAS 2024.
Among these, the MAR (Multipurpose Amphibious Rover) stands out, introduced by Eduardo De Francesco as an innovative technology in the Civil Protection field. The MAR Rover can in fact move easily from land to water, maintaining the same configuration, and is particularly effective on difficult terrain such as mud, making it a tool suitable for the most complex emergency operations.
To read the full article and watch the interview, click here!
SeTeL at the REAS 2024 Exhibition in Montichiari
SeTeL at the REAS 2024 Exhibition in Montichiari: A Step Towards the World of Civil Protection.
We are excited to announce SeTeL’s participation in the REAS 2024 exhibition in Montichiari, a key event for the civil protection sector. With our MAR (Multipurpose Amphibious Rover), we aim to enter this important sector, presenting the vehicle as a potential tool for first aid and last-mile transport.
Thanks to its versatility and Fast Deployment features, the Rover represents an innovative solution to tackle emergencies and ensure swift and effective intervention. Our mission is to help improve the operational capabilities of rescue organizations, offering concrete support in critical moments.
SeTeL participates in the REMTECH EXPO in Ferrara!
We are excited to announce our participation in the REMTECH EXPO 2024 fair in Ferrara, one of the most important international events dedicated to sustainable land management, environmental remediation and risk mitigation.
Our presence at the event is made possible thanks to the SME Internationalization Voucher of the FESR Lazio Regional Program 2021-2027. This contribution allows us to consolidate our commitment to innovation and expansion on international markets, promoting cutting-edge technological solutions to support engineering and environmental monitoring.
In this context, we will present the latest projects involving our MAR (Multipurpose Amphibiour Rover): ECOMAR (a Fast Deployment and Early Warning System) and HYDROMAR (a Critical Infrastructures Robotic Safety Inspector).
We look forward to seeing you at REMTECH EXPO to discover together the new challenges and opportunities in the field of sustainability!
ECOMAR Project: Authorization obtained from the Bracciano and Martignano Park Authority for Scientific Research!

We are pleased to announce that the ECOMAR Project has obtained authorization from the Bracciano and Martignano Park Authority to carry out scientific research activities on Lake Bracciano, in collaboration with the Lake Consortium. This represents a fundamental step towards technological innovation and the protection of the aquatic environment.
Objective of the Project:
Our primary objective is the creation of an autonomous amphibious vehicle, called Rover, with a high fast deployment capability for early warning operations. The Rover will be used for chemical-physical analyzes of marine waters, with the aim of promptly detecting and reporting any pollution situations.
Advanced Technology at the Service of the Environment:
The vehicle will be equipped with advanced sensors capable of detecting various chemical-physical characteristics of water in real-time. Thanks to data fusion technology, the Rover will be able to compare the data collected and generate an alert if anomalous conditions are detected.
Early Warning for Water Protection:
The early warning activity will allow the competent authorities to be quickly notified in the event of water pollution, allowing timely interventions to protect ecosystems.
Collaboration and innovation:
We thank the Ente Parco di Bracciano e Martignano and the Consorzio del Lago for their support and collaboration.
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